2 min

'The American Dream is not dead': Acorns' CEO Noah Kerner

Sep 30, 2024
in a nutshell
  • Noah Kerner, Acorns' CEO and Chairman, believes the American dream is attainable — and you have the power to go get it.
Image of Noah Kerner, Acorns' CEO and Chairman, believes the American dream is attainable — and you have the power to go get it.
in a nutshell
  • Noah Kerner, Acorns' CEO and Chairman, believes the American dream is attainable — and you have the power to go get it.

I remember watching my mother — a brilliant, savvy, hard-charging woman — become completely overwhelmed at an ATM. And her nervous reaction to money and interacting with it, in turn, instilled a deep-seated conservatism with my own money. Even small moments like these leave a lasting impression on any child, including me, when it comes to adult decisions. 

So, in my twenties, instead of investing, I hoarded my savings, diligently putting money away but not investing — that just seemed too risky. This cautious approach caused me to miss early opportunities for compounding interest and wealth building earlier in my life. And it wasn't until I sought a financial advisor's help that I could start making smarter decisions with my money. It was the push I needed then, and I was lucky to be able to afford an advisor. 

Reflecting on that now, I realize how crucial it is to help others avoid making the same mistakes, and it is one of the many reasons I have built and led Acorns. 

Even a handful of decades later, when the market is unexpectedly turbulent, that little voice from my childhood urges me to pull my money out and hide it away to keep it safe. It's those times that I have to bring out my very consistently used mantra: "Every downturn ends in an upturn." And it's this patience, consistency, and willingness to wait that have shown me the long-term benefits of sticking to a long-term investment strategy.

'The American Dream is not dead'

Today, we often hear a different mantra that can drive many to adopt the same cautious habits of stashing money away: the American Dream is slipping away. Even something as simple as a grocery receipt today can validate that thought. 

  • Since February 2020, the cost of goods has risen by over 20%, leading to increased credit card debt, reduced savings, and growing concerns about meeting basic needs.

  • Many young Americans are worried about the collapse of Social Security or expect little to no payouts.

  • Alarmingly, one in five Americans over 50 have no retirement savings, and more than half are concerned they won't have enough to last through retirement. Traditional pensions are nearly extinct.

  • According to Acorns' 2024 nationwide financial wellness survey, almost 1 in 4 people — and specifically, 1 in 3 Gen Z and millennials — fear homelessness due to their financial situation.

  • But the American Dream is not dead; this is a large part of why I do what I do. Why waking up every day to help everyday Americans get over the investing hurdle like I did continues to be such a personal mission. And you don't need a significant investment to start, or even a financial advisor. 

What if your kids could have $2.5m by retirement?

My advice is to just begin, and continue by investing small amounts and spare change — tiny acorns, as we like to say. And when I say small amounts, even $3 a day invested in a diversified portfolio over a long period can make an incredible impact on your financial wellness. In fact, if parents start investing $3 per day in their newborns, their kids could have $2,500,000 by retirement age based on an average annual compound rate of 8%. 

So while present realities may cast a shadow over the path forward, we can take small steps every day toward our financial goals. We can leverage the tools that tap into the free market and put smart financial habits at our fingertips.

If 100 million Americans invested for their futures

To that end, we examined the data around our prototypical Acorns customer to understand the potential future value if 100 million Americans followed suit. What we found was astonishing. If 100 million Americans did what millions of Acorns customers do regularly, the projected aggregate amount those Americans would have saved in 40 years would be greater than the current U.S. National Debt ($35 trillion) — coming in at approximately $38 trillion.

In other words, by starting now and committing to the tools that make it easier to save and invest regularly, 100 million Americans could build towards a far brighter financial future, a renewed American Dream. 

This slow and steady approach might not seem as thrilling as crypto, real estate, or any other headline-grabbing investment scheme, but history has proven that it works.

Since the birth of the American Dream, slow, steady, determined progress toward a goal has been the path. That hasn't changed, and the sooner you get started, the better. 

So, my advice is to start small and stick with it. Your piece of the American Dream is there for you. Go get it.

This material has been presented for informational and educational purposes only. The views expressed in the articles above are generalized and may not be appropriate for all investors. The information contained in this article should not be construed as, and may not be used in connection with, an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy or hold, an interest in any security or investment product. There is no guarantee that past performance will recur or result in a positive outcome. Carefully consider your financial situation, including investment objective, time horizon, risk tolerance, and fees prior to making any investment decisions. No level of diversification or asset allocation can ensure profits or guarantee against losses. Acorns is not engaged in rendering tax, legal or accounting advice. Please consult a qualified professional for this type of service.

Acorns has the largest number of participants paying a periodic fixed subscription fee for U.S. consumer finance services based on publicly available information as of April 17, 2024. Over 13 million all-time customers and over $22 billion invested since inception as of 06/26/2024.

Noah’s mantra that “every downturn ends in an upturn” is based on the historical performance of the S&P 500. Past performance is not an indication of future performance.

Increase of cost of goods based on the Consumer Price Index. Credit card debt has increased since 2020 per the Center for Microeconomic Data's Household Debt and Credit report. Personal savings have decreased since 2020 per the Federal Reserve Economic Data Personal Savings Rate report. Retirement statistics from the AARP's 2024 Financial Security Trends Survey.

Spare change invested with Round-Ups® is transferred from your linked funding source (checking account) to your Acorns Invest account when activated. Round-Up investments from an external account will be processed when your Pending Round-Ups reach or exceed $5. Real-Time Round-Ups® investments from Acorns Checking accounts will be processed on an ongoing basis if the Round-Ups setting is set to automatic.

The amount children will have at retirement age if their parents start investing for them as newborns is for illustrative purposes only and assumes a 8% fixed annual rate of return with an initial deposit of $0 and $3/day contributions over a 65-year period.

The projected aggregated amount 100 million Americans would save is for illustrative purposes only and assumes an 8% fixed annual rate of return with an initial deposit of $2,500, the average Acorns blended account balance — and $3/day contributions over a 40-year period. Based on gross investments.

These figures are intended only to show the potential of long-term investing and compound returns and do not take into consideration economic or market factors which can impact performance. Such results do not predict or represent the performance of any Acorns portfolio and do not take into consideration economic or market factors which can impact performance. Actual customers will achieve investment results materially different from those portrayed.

Investing involves risk, including the loss of principal. Please consider your objectives, risk tolerance, and Acorns’ fees before investing. Investment advisory services offered by Acorns Advisers, LLC (Acorns), an SEC Registered Investment Adviser. Brokerage services are provided to customers of Acorns by Acorns Securities, LLC, Member FINRA, SIPC and an SEC registered Broker Dealer. For more information visit Acorns.com.

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