How do kids and teens set saving goals within the Acorns Early app?
Acorns Early encourages kids and teens to make saving a habit with in-app savings goals.
Using their app, kids and teens can:
Name their new goal
Choose an image for their goal
Set a target amount (if they have one)
Add a target date (if they have one)
Turn on an optional weekly autosave
Can kids and teens withdraw the money they save?
That’s up to you! Parents can lock a savings goal (or your kid’s regular savings) using your Acorns Early parent app.
If you choose not to lock these, your kid can instantly transfer money from any of their savings goals to their debit card.
Can I lock my kid’s savings?
You can lock any of your kids’ savings goals in your Acorns Early app. This prevents your kid from withdrawing any money from that goal until you choose to unlock it and helps them to create a strong saving habit.
What is the interest rate?
With Acorns Early, you can set up parent-paid interest on your kid’s account.
Simply set your chosen interest rate in the parent app, and your kids will get paid interest on their savings once per month - the more they save, the more they’ll earn.
Acorns Early does not pay interest on kids’ savings—this interest is paid out of the parent balance and can be adjusted in-app at any time.
How can I turn on parent-paid interest in the app?
To turn on parent-paid interest:
Log in to the Acorns Early parent account
Open the ‘Money’ tab and select ‘Savings’
Use the interest calculator to decide the rate you want to set. It will show you how much you might pay each month according to a daily calculation.
You can adjust the rate in-app at any time
Find out how parent-paid interest is calculated here.