Acorns is not a bank. Acorns Visa™ debit cards are issued by Lincoln Savings Bank or nbkc bank, Members FDIC for Acorns Checking account holders.

See your potential

Check out our compound interest calculator to see just how much the power of time and compound interest can help your money grow.

The chart shows an estimate of how much an investment could grow over time based on the initial deposit, contribution schedule, time horizon, and interest rate specified.  Changes in those variables can affect the outcome.  Reset the calculator using different figures to show different scenarios.  Results do not predict the investment performance of any Acorns portfolio and do not take into consideration economic or market factors which can impact performance.

Save, invest and learn from one easy app
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Automatically save and invest with Round-Ups® feature
Every purchase you make means an opportunity to invest your spare change! So coffee for $3.25 becomes a $0.75 investment in your future.
Automatically save and invest with Round-Ups® feature
Expert-built portfolios, suggested for you
Expert-built portfolios, suggested for you
Acorns diversified portfolios are built by experts and include ETFs managed by pros at the world’s top investment firms like Vanguard and BlackRock.
Plus more ways to save, invest and learn
Along with your investment account, you get an easy, automated retirement account, banking that saves and invests for you, bonus investments when you shop with thousands of brands and unique ways to grow your knowledge.
Plus more ways to save, invest and learn
Security & Protection
Security & Protection
Acorns Invest, Later & Early accounts are SIPC-protected up to $500,000. SIPC does not protect against market risk, which is the risk inherent in a fluctuating market. For details, please visit

Give your money the chance to work as hard as you do

Harness the power of compounding
Your Potential is a hypothetical tool that illustrates, how factors such as Recurring Investments (amount and frequency), Round-Ups® investments, Smart Deposit investments, and compound returns may impact the long-term value of an Acorns Account. The tool uses an 8% hypothetical rate of return and hypothetical age range dependent on age band selected by the user. Compounding is the process in which an asset’s earnings are reinvested to generate additional earnings over time. Acorns clients may not experience compound returns and investment results will vary based on market volatility and fluctuating prices.
Harness the power of compounding
Money doesn’t grow on trees. But with compound returns, money can grow on itself. It’s a long-term investing principle foundational to how Acorns can work for you.
With Acorns, everyday Americans have invested over
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Invest spare change
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